Getting ready for the TRR08

Dear Reader,

According to plans, I'll be running the Gore Tex TransRockies Run 2008 that will kick off on monday 25th.
Winner of the 2007 edition in mixt category, Adam Chase who put me in contact with both my partners of last year and this year, kindly invited Bryon and I to stay over at his place the week before the race.

Let me think about it for a sec': spend a week with Adam and his professional tri athletes housemates, get to know my team mate and discuss strategy while running in the mountains or staying home on my own...

Well I was on the plain on the 18th of August direction Denver and staying since then in Boulder, Colorado.

I didn't wait for the jet lag to be completely over and went for two runs with Bryon already. Such a great feeling to get back to mother Nature, with its mountains technical trails but also the lack of air that reminded me in not time that I was higher than used to be and definitely should NOT get too excited !

Martin GAFFURI Trail Running Martin GAFFURI Trail Running

So after those runs, some mexican food, discussion about blogging and running I am glad to tell you that Bryon and I get along very well and are already eager to run hard !

Stay tuned for the next update and in the meantime, Jog on !
The Goat



2008| The Trail Running, by Martin GAFFURI